Saturday, January 31, 2004

The Doomsday Algorithm

Stumped by how some really intelligent kids can tell you on which day of the week you were born, or what day of the week was June 6, 1944? There's nothing magical to it - it's just a simple algorithm that you memorize and calculate in your head! :) Okay, it is a little complex, but from what I understand, once you have done it a number of times, it gets easier. Also, you pick up good tricks along the way that help you out.

I tried to memorize the algorithm a couple years ago, unsuccessfully. Actually, my buddy Mike introduced me to it. Maybe I failed because I lacked the motivation and discipline necessary to practice it just to be able to entertain my friends at parties; heck, there are plenty of other ways to do that! It's more of a fun math exercise to help get your mind gears moving. From a computational point of view, I think the algorithm is fun. You could code up a simple program to do it, but once it's done, there's no more fun!

So, for everything you ever wanted to know about learning the Doomsday Algorithm, check out this website. Carefully read through the steps in order as there is a lot of information packed into each piece. And amaze your friends!!

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