So I finally had an opportunity to visit Houston's marvelous new Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart today. My wife had already seen it twice for various activities. We were there today for the archdiocesan mass for the Feast of St. Josemaría Escrivá. If there are any of y'all who haven't visited it yet, I would encourage you to check it out!
From the co-cathedral website:
A cathedral is the principal church where the bishop presides over a diocese and celebrates worship with and for the Christian community. As such, the diocesan cathedral is the mother Church of the entire diocese. The word cathedral is derived from the fact that this church houses the bishop’s chair - the cathedra - the symbol of the bishop’s teaching authority in the diocese.I found the cathedral to be quite sublime. Traditional, yet modern. Not quite like the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles :)
The new Co-Cathedral of Galveston-Houston is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, symbolizing the invitation to experience His love through the mystery of His death and resurrection. To all, His invitation is to enter into a personal relationship with Him, to be nourished with holy presence.
In the architectural design of our new co-cathedral, one can find great meaning and inspiration. The height of the structure is a powerful image of transcendence – a reminder for us to fix our gaze on heaven, where our spirits can rise above their earthly existence and be nourished in the hope of God’s love for humanity. The ascending height of the Co-Cathedral answers our human longing to be in communion with God who from on high showers His love and peace upon us. The anchoring weight of stone and marble signifies God’s imminence, His presence and work here on earth.
Last week, we also had a chance to visit the newly renovated Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament in Sacramento, CA. I found that to be quite impressive.