The Doomsday Algorithm
Stumped by how some really intelligent kids can tell you on which day of the week you were born, or what day of the week was June 6, 1944? There's nothing magical to it - it's just a simple algorithm that you memorize and calculate in your head! :) Okay, it is a little complex, but from what I understand, once you have done it a number of times, it gets easier. Also, you pick up good tricks along the way that help you out.
I tried to memorize the algorithm a couple years ago, unsuccessfully. Actually, my buddy Mike introduced me to it. Maybe I failed because I lacked the motivation and discipline necessary to practice it just to be able to entertain my friends at parties; heck, there are plenty of other ways to do that! It's more of a fun math exercise to help get your mind gears moving. From a computational point of view, I think the algorithm is fun. You could code up a simple program to do it, but once it's done, there's no more fun!
So, for everything you ever wanted to know about learning the Doomsday Algorithm, check out this website. Carefully read through the steps in order as there is a lot of information packed into each piece. And amaze your friends!!
Friday, January 30, 2004
Atom Feed
Blogger has added an Atom XML-based feed option, so I have decided to try it! I've placed the link to the feed in the blog related frame in the right-hand column of the blog. So, if you use a news aggregator that supports the Atom Syndication Format, go ahead and try it out!
I'm not sure how many aggregators support Atom just yet, as opposed to RSS, which seems pretty popular. From what I understand now, I guess Atom is supposed to be cleaner, more flexible, and easier to process than RSS, although I don't completely understand all of the reasons why just yet. This blog from last month explains a bit of the history of RSS and Atom. Though Atom is somewhat of a product of evolution from RSS, it is expected that the two will coexist for sometime.
Blogger has added an Atom XML-based feed option, so I have decided to try it! I've placed the link to the feed in the blog related frame in the right-hand column of the blog. So, if you use a news aggregator that supports the Atom Syndication Format, go ahead and try it out!
I'm not sure how many aggregators support Atom just yet, as opposed to RSS, which seems pretty popular. From what I understand now, I guess Atom is supposed to be cleaner, more flexible, and easier to process than RSS, although I don't completely understand all of the reasons why just yet. This blog from last month explains a bit of the history of RSS and Atom. Though Atom is somewhat of a product of evolution from RSS, it is expected that the two will coexist for sometime.
NCR's Reaction
As expected, the folks at the National Catholic Reporter are complaining about the Vox Clara committee's involvement in the upcoming new translation of the English Missal. Essentially, they disagree with how the committee has sought to do away with work that had taken dozens of years. But some of their comments indicate to me an overwhelming cluelessness. For example, the editorial states:
They also complain about the individuals chosen to oversee the translation effort. They call them liturgical revisionists who are attacking the liturgical reform of the Council. To me, it merely looks like these folks are trying to ensure true reform, the type of reform actually envisioned by the Council. Sure, there can be some debate, but who are the real revisionists here? Those who are faithful to Second Vatican Council's Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, or those whose interpretation of the same document goes far beyond what the document actually suggests?
They end with,
As expected, the folks at the National Catholic Reporter are complaining about the Vox Clara committee's involvement in the upcoming new translation of the English Missal. Essentially, they disagree with how the committee has sought to do away with work that had taken dozens of years. But some of their comments indicate to me an overwhelming cluelessness. For example, the editorial states:
Last week, we reported that a new English translation of the Mass was nearing completion. Among the changes are phrases that restore the literal translation of the Latin so that, for instance, the now familiar response, "And also with you," will be rendered in the pre-Vatican II formulation, "And also with your spirit."Anyone who has studied the mass after the Second Vatican Council knows that "and with your spirit" was never done away with. The official Latin of the liturgy never changed the Latin response et cum spiritu tuo, and most modern translations of the mass, aside from English, are translated to the English equivalent of "and with your spirit." For example, the Spanish translation has "y con tu espiritu" and the French has "et avec ton esprit."
They also complain about the individuals chosen to oversee the translation effort. They call them liturgical revisionists who are attacking the liturgical reform of the Council. To me, it merely looks like these folks are trying to ensure true reform, the type of reform actually envisioned by the Council. Sure, there can be some debate, but who are the real revisionists here? Those who are faithful to Second Vatican Council's Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, or those whose interpretation of the same document goes far beyond what the document actually suggests?
They end with,
If the prayer of the community is left to the formulation of those who hold power, without consideration for the extensive and long work of a much wider community, what's to stop another liturgical coup in the future, should the people and ideas in power change?I have seen serious, adult, educated Catholics in the early 21st century heavily support the new translation. The liturgy isn't merely just the prayer of the community, it is also the prayer of the Church, and in our day and age, some type of regulation is necessary. And in my honest opinion, the proposed changes in the translation are the least of what could, or maybe even should, be done - but I will defer to the legitimate authority.
It's a lousy way to do the church's business -- and it doesn't withstand the scrutiny of serious, adult, educated Catholics in the early 21st century.
Wednesday, January 28, 2004
The Church needs lay Christian saints
Yes, it needs saints, more than reformers, because saints are the most authentic and productive reformers. Every great period of renewal in the Church is linked to important testimonials of holiness. Without such testimonials, the updating undertaken by the Councils would be illusive.We are all called to be saints. Believe it! Live it! Be it!
But the conviction that we must share and spread this call to holiness is addressed to all Christians. This call is not the privilege of a spiritual elite. Nor is it for a few who feel heroic courage. Still less is it a tranquil refuge, suited to a certain type of piety or to certain eccentric temperaments. It is a grace offered to all the baptized, in varying forms and degrees.
It is not reserved for particular states of life, although some favor it, or for the practice of certain professions. St. Francis de Sales showed effectively that holiness, with piety or devotion, could be an attribute of men and women in any family situation or career. Thus lay people must be encouraged to live every aspect of their life in the world -- whatever the specific circumstances in which God has placed them -- in a holy manner, in faith, hope, and love. In this sense, there is a kind of holiness specific to lay people.
-Pope John Paul II, June 7th, 1986
Monday, January 26, 2004

You are Cooter. You are good with your hands and
don't say much. When you do it's usually an
attempt at humor. If you had a clean shirt,
you'd probably use it for a rag.
What Dukes of Hazzard Character are you?
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You are Cooter. You are good with your hands and
don't say much. When you do it's usually an
attempt at humor. If you had a clean shirt,
you'd probably use it for a rag.
What Dukes of Hazzard Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
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