Cor Jesu Sanctissimum
Heart of Jesus, in whom are all treasures of wisdom and knowledge...
Have mercy on us. |
Cor Iesu Sanctissimum, large, quaesumus, effunde tuas benedictiones super sanctam Ecclesiam, super Summum Pontificem, et super omnem clerum; da iustis perseverantiam, converte peccatores, illumina infideles, benedic nostros propinquos, amicos et benefactores, assiste moribundis, libera animas in purgatorio degentes, et super omnium corda dulce imperium tui amoris extende. Amen.
Today is the feast of the
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. This feast day is very new to me. I know friends who actually grew up fearing the image of the burning heart --
The Flaming Chest of Jesus, they called it. But the more I grow spiritually, the more I comprehend the depth of this devotion. I am beginning to learn more about
Margaret Mary Alacoque and her confessor,
Claude de la Colombière. The Heart of Christ means an abyss of mercy and compassion to those who desire it. The Heart of Christ means a universe of wisdom and knowledge to those who seek it. The Heart of Christ is truly Most Sacred.