An Appendix...My wife has had a very difficult week. Last Tuesday, she woke up with severe abdominal pain and nausea. The initial CT scan was inconclusive, but a round of tests revealed an infection, so later Tuesday night, we checked her into the hospital so that she could receive pain medication and an antibiotic. The next day, after two more CT scans and an ultrasound, it was determined that on top of having two ruptured, ovarian cysts, she also had
appendicitis, and so she was made ready for an appendectomy. The appendectomy was successful, but it revealed an appendix that had become gangrenous and was on the verge of rupture. It also revealed significant
peritonitis in the surrounding tissue. Lastly, all of the shock to her system has caused her intestine to basically shut down, preventing proper digestion. So tonight she remains in the hospital until everyone is sure that she can properly digest food while they also treat the remaining infection. Please pray for her.
UPDATE 09/25/07: Though my wife took a slight turn for the worse on Monday, today she is doing much better. Her digestive system appears to be waking up, and soon she should be able to tolerate food, thanks be to God. Many thanks for all of your prayer, and for those of you who have come to visit. We appreciate your friendship and support. And we also appreciate those who have sought the particular intercession of St. Thérèse of Lisieux as we approach her great feast in a few days. Thérèse had a special role in the beginning of our relationship. But let us give praise to God for simple lessons, for the extraordinary value of suffering, and for His free gift of grace.
UPDATE 09/28/07: I brought my wife home from the hospital today. She's doing much better. Thank you again for all of the help you've all given us.