Saturday, May 17, 2003

Healing the Culture

Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J., Ph.D. of Gonzaga University, whom I had the priviledge of hearing at the Religious Education Congress in Los Angeles in February (see my earlier blog entry), now has his own series every wednesday this month (8pm PST) on EWTN: Healing the Culture - A Pro-Life Philosophy:
Fr. Robert Spitzer, president of Gonzaga University and deeply committed to engaging our culture in the pro-life message, unfolds a theme of developing health, happiness, and purpose within the individual and thus within society. His philosophical and theological discussions are couched in language the laity understands and appreciates, and, most importantly, will be motivated to put into practice.
The episode list is short but pretty comprehensive. As I mentioned in my earlier blog, Fr. Spitzer is co-founder for the Center For Life Principles and is a very engaging speaker. Tune him in!

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