Saturday, October 18, 2003


Saw Luther last night. It finally came to Santa Barbara. I have to say, I was impressed with how they handled it. Yes, there was a lot of oversimplication, but that is what one expects with movies that attempt to deal with historical events. I didn't expect a thorough treatise on indulgences, but I did expect to see how prevalent abuses were and why something had to be done about them. I expected a movie that sought to fairly present the Lutheran understanding of particular events and the internal struggles of the man, Luther, and it did just that. I don't necessarily agree with how a lot of Catholics have reviewed this film. The film did not shy away from presenting authentically Catholic characters who stood solidly on their faith. The film presented the dichotomy between those Christians who sought authentic Catholic reform without leaving the Church, and those who went to the other extreme to reform the Church by attempting to destroy it. It showed Luther's struggle with finding a median between the two.

Would I have loved to see a more balanced handling on the theology of indulgences and purgatory? Or perhaps what led into the Council of Trent? Sure, but then they probably wouldn't have called the film Luther.

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