Monday, April 09, 2007

Elvis and the Mass

You've seen that old 1969 movie with Elvis and the nuns, right? It's called Change of Habit, where Elvis falls for Mary Tyler Moore, who plays a nun who goes undercover in order to minister in an urban minority community? The movie was a sort of statement on the social and ecclesiastical changes of the 1960's. It's classic.

I think the final scene summarizes what was in store for the Church quite nicely. Fortunately, has it (~2.25 mins):

Elvis is singing his groovy piece, Let Us Pray, during the offertory in this scene, complete with groovy backup singers and dancers. No, that's not distracting in the least bit! My favorite part is when the old woman says, Gimme the old days when you could go to mass and not think about a blessed thing! I wonder what my pastor would say. ;)

The scene also attempts to illustrate the internal conflict felt by Mary Tyler Moore's character: should she remain a nun, or pursue a life of love with Elvis? You understand because of the various images that flash on the screen: Elvis? or Jesus? Elvis? or Jesus?

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