Friday, April 22, 2005

Ready, Set, Learn!

Let's not keep silent and allow the mainstream media to feed us with what they think we should know about Pope Benedict XVI. Let us learn all we can about him by reading what he has written. We now have as our pope one of the most widely published theologians in recent history, a theological expert from the Second Vatican Council, and someone who, in spite of the image conveyed by his previous role as prefect for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, is known for his graciousness, and his ability to listen, understand, and discuss.

Here are some good resources that I have picked up around St. Blog's:

Light in a New Dark Age, by George Weigel

Benedict XVI, a lover of cats, by Matthew Schofield

Pope Benedict XVI, from Ignatius Insight

Check out for a sampling of his many published works

Of course, the Vatican website

And, of course, books, articles, essays, etc... from Chris Blosser's Cardinal Ratzinger Fan Club website.

UPDATE: Also here is a good biography by Marcellino D'Ambrosio, Ph.D. of The Crossroads Initiative.

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