Saturday, April 24, 2004


I was fascinated as I read the minutes of the local chapter of Voice of the Faithful's recent meeting, particularly this question noted at the end of a lecture given by Fr. Thomas Rausch, S.J.:
Someone suggested that new priests from the seminary seem to be very clerical and conservative in their view of the Church. It was suggested that some sent to Santa Barbara were actually members of Opus Dei. Fr. Rausch suggested we consider the world of chaos in which these new seminarians were raised and thinks that might be crucial in their predisposition towards order. He said he was not aware of seminarians being members of Opus Dei.
Do I smell a conspiracy plot here in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles? It wouldn't be the first one I've heard. However, of all the conspiracy theories I've heard about the goings-on in this Archdiocese, this one is the first more liberal one I've heard explicitly. The sad (or happy?) truth is that such a conspiracy might not be much of a bad thing, given what I now know about the true nature of Opus Dei and the universal call to holiness, accentuated even further in the Second Vatican Council's own dogmatic constitution, Lumen Gentium, which Voice of the Faithful likes to quote. Oh, the humanity!

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